Thursday, November 25, 2010


Chael: First of all... happy Thanksgiving. Second of all, I can't move... it feels like I'm six months overdue with a food baby... possibly twins.

But other than being four pounds heavier than this morning, I would just like to state that, my family is frackin huge, and this makes Thanksgiving amazing. Imagine a huge table, with 25 people crowded around it, passing plates of food back and forth, and two of these people are pregnant. Before you say anything, yes I have acknowledged the fact, that my family breeds like bunnies.

Anyway, I just wanted to make a post, wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving.... Don't really know how to end this.. so I just will.

Brookie: Brookie here. Happy thanksgiving, Losers. :D Haha, just kidding. Yes, my thanksgiving was amazing too. And I think my food-baby is kicking. Argh.

I had a great time with my family on my dad's side, and I love them to death. Have you EVER tried fried turkey? No? You should. It's fucking awesome.

Anyway, happy holidays!


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