Sunday, November 21, 2010


I'm going to start a new post, because I'm quite sure Chael will log on later to edit and add in her part of this story anyway. Last night was Chael's birthday party; and we did a few... well, let's put it this way. I feel like we were stalked last night.

Chael thought it would be a good idea, at 3 AM in the morning, to go down to this creepy hunter's house by the river. There's a pier there, and it's a good quarter of a mile's walk to get there. Of course, I was all for this. I was so excited that I nearly pissed myself.

That was sarcasm, by the way. I kept saying it was a bad idea, as well as one of our other friends. You know how you get that feeling when you're about to do something amazing, like you just want to go, FUCK YEAH?

We did not have those feelings. But along we went, our group of five, down the path, all holding onto eachother in some way or another, and talking. Our wolf-dog guide, who we will call KiKi, lead the way. Well, mostly. Sometimes she would stop, and now that I think about it, I think she was probably staring at us like, Hahaha, Assholes, I know something you don't and you're about to get fuuuuucked up. But then she would follow us, or lead the way again.

We finally got to the creepy house, and the pier. And guess what, guys? There was mist over the river. Can you say freaky? Anyway, Chael and I along with another friend, went up to the house. Our friend, who we'll call D, stood on the steps while Chael and I went in. Chael had a light, while I had a camera. We went in, and I filmed while she shined her mighty Ipod touch light. Then, out of no where, there's a huge-ass white flash behind us and we turned and hissed at D, who had taken a picture.

Chael: Why in the hell did you do that?
Brookie: Oh, Oh, Oh, I don't like this. I don't like this at all. Not a good idea.
D: I'm sorry, jeeze.

So, finally, we were walking out of the house after my insistence that this was indeed a bad idea, and we stopped, because I got freaked out.

Something was in the woods. And at first, we thought it was KiKi. But, then we walked towards our other two friends, (who again, we'll call K and M), and KiKi was already near them. We heard the noise again. And it wasn't the wolf-dog guide. It was heavier. Two-footed.

   We ran like hell.

We ran and kept running and only stopped a few times to try and hear the noise again, but it kept following us, so we'd run again until we couldn't anymore and we realized KiKi was no longer with us. We called for her, but then decided it was a better idea to keep moving and call for her later.

Finally, we got to Chael's house, and we sat in the gravel in front of it, talking. We were breathless and a little creeped out. Now, in the middle of this, something even scarier happened. We heard something that sounded like either a motorcycle coming towards us, making the BBBBRRRUMM BRUM noise, or it was a tractor backfiring.

M: Chael, something's coming down your road!
Chael: Shit! Go go!

We ran up the stairs, and then turned. But, nothing was there. This made the situation even worse, so went inside, dead-silent.

Fast-forward about ten minutes. We're sitting on Chael's living room floor, talking about what had just happened. Again, we heard this noise, but this time it was definately louder, seeing as we all heard it through the house. Chael stood up, jumped over all of us, and ran to her front door. KiKi had reappeared, sitting straight up with her ears perked. She had definately heard it, too. But there was nothing there. This is what bugs us.

Anyway, that was our night last night, or rather, our morning. Very eventful it was, young padawan.

CHAEL: In agreement with Brookie, yes it was a very eventful night. I was scared shitless, because in my mind, the BBBBRRRUUUMMM BRUM sound was in fact made by an ax murderer who wanted our blood and body parts for experiments....

Over all, I had fun. I enjoy scary shit like this, that makes you pee yourself a little because something or someone is chasing you down your dark, scary, moonlit trail, and all you can do is run like a little defenseless white girl, cause thats exactly what you are. I don't know how the rest of the crew felt... I imagine scared, based on the terrified screams coming from behind me as I haled ass.

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