Friday, November 19, 2010


So you might be wondering..... What did Chael and Brookie do today? ... Well, actually, you're probably not wondering what we did, but guess what? You're gonna find out anyway. And like it.

...Or we'll make you feel all awkward inside.

This is how our most current conversation went:

Chael: ...What did we do today?

Brookie: Well, today... I, um... I ate a cookie. What'd you do?

Chael: Nothing...... breathed.

Brookie: Nothing? That's it? You breathed?

Chael: Hey, breathing is hard work.

Brookie: ....Yeah. If you're a retarded fish that's out of water.

Chael: ..... Fuck your couch.

Brookie: Only if you don't breathe like a retarded fish that's out of water. :D

Chael: Fine, but you have to stop acting like one first.

Brookie: One what? A retarded fish that's out of water? I'm so sorry, I'll stop breathing then. Hope you enjoyed killing the retarded fish, Chael.

Chael: I feel fulfilled, yes.

Brookie: You're a horrible person. You know that?

Chael: Yeah.

Brookie: I bet you like to kick puppies too. And I bet you like to shove small children and laugh. Don't you? DON'T YOU?!?!

Chael: I only like to kick and shove the ugly ones. I only laugh when the children cry, and the puppies feel  unwanted and abused.

Brookie: .... You have a dark mind inside that miniature body of your's. I now feel unsafe sitting next to you. If you're reading this, call the police.

Chael: Don't really call the police...

Brookie: If you were really going to call the police, you deserve to be kicked and shoved like an ugly puppy-child.

Chael: Hahaha... "puppy-child" .. What would that look like?

Brookie: I'm pretty sure it'd look like your first-born child, Chael. Or a worpletinger. Those things are freaking AWESOME.

Chael: That makes no sense, considering the worpletinger is part bunny, part moose, part sabertooth, and part nightmare, and has no child-puppy parts whatsoever.

Brookie: I love how you didn't deny that you were going to have sex with a dog at one point in your life and have a child-puppy. You're a strange person.

Chael: You know who's a strange person?.... Your mother. And I'm a stranger person? You're the one who was just petting me while whispering, "Pretty, pretty, pretty".... and you know my puppy-child would be cute as hell.

Brookie: So you admit to wanting to have a puppy child? Hey, if you're out there reading this, Chael's looking for some Hot-dogs. Get it? Hot dogs? No?.... And I can't help it. Your hair is like a soft, fluffy blanket of hairy goodness that I can't help but want to touch....

Chael: ...... O.O .....ANYWAY... I just want to clarify that I have no intention of turning to beastiality-....(Okay, I just now had to look up how to spell beastiality- And by the way, I got a lot of porn links- And while doing so, accidentally closed blogger. It was a unnerving seven seconds. But, luckily, blogger is awesome and saves your shit auto-magically and we didn't have to start this whole post over...which, we would not have done because I would have given up.)-.... later in my life.

Brookie: So soft, and light, blowing and bouncing in the wind... just sooooo touchable.... This entire time I've been thinking about your haaaair....

And this is where we end the post, because I feel that things are going to a dark place.

Brookie: But it never ends, Chael.

It NEVER ends.

Chael: Yes, it does.

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